A medical device company had not introduced a new product to the market for ten years. They needed to create a robust new product pipeline and accelerate the speed to market through the entire supply chain.

The CEO of the company hired Insigniam’s leadership development consultants to provide the Leadership Intensive program to 26 key leaders from across the global organization.

The consultants began with a cultural assessment, which revealed a risk-averse, slow moving, non-collaborative, hierarchical context. During the intensive, the leaders distinguished authentic leadership and took on a commitment to design a new cultural context that was collaborative, innovative, and rapid.

Each participant worked on a Breakthrough Project inside the initiative to improve speed to market. The engagement produced over $20 million in added results. The team improved speed-to-market by creating and implementing new development processes, prioritizing the voice of the customer, upgrading life cycle management, launching a clear global regulatory path, and aligning in partnerships to achieve their end goal. Together they generated a 200% acceleration and significant cost savings.

  • [cbxwpbookmarkbtn https%3A%2F%2Finsigniam.com%2F200-acceleration-in-speed-to-market-and-20-million-in-value-from-leadership-development-program%2F]
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