Insigniam, an international management consulting firm, has released a landmark report revealing findings on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our global workforce: employees returning to the office post-pandemic are not the same in some extremely impactful and meaningful ways. The report analyzes data from a survey of more than 1,110 people, from front-line workers to the C-suite, who work in companies around the globe. The results of the survey are staggering in the way they demonstrate sweeping changes, likely permanent, in how employees perceive themselves, how they perceive their lives, and how they perceive their work environment.

The survey was based on open-ended questions to allow for a full range of responses, from which major themes were identified and analyzed. The data revealed five critical shifts in the mindset of employees and correlated implications. One major shift is expressed by 42% of respondents as “I will never let work displace my life again,” leading to new implications about work environment, leadership and organization expectations.

The result is clear: your employee who is returning to work is not the same employee who left the office in early 2020, and businesses must be prepared to adapt. Business leaders must reconsider how to pivot their organizations to meet the changing mindset in a post-pandemic world.

Read more about the survey results in Insigniam’s report found here.

Over thirty years ago, Insigniam pioneered the field of organizational transformation and is a trusted partner to senior executives of the world’s best-run companies for whom speed to breakthrough, innovation and transformation are imperatives. In the face of complex problems and rapid change, business as usual is not enough. To succeed, leaders must breathe life into big ideas and bold commitments. See more at:

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