With half of the year behind us, it is downhill from here to the end of 2022. Company leaders are already considering how they will meet the targets set at the start of this year, and time is flying by, as it invariably does.

The pandemic is still not over. Supply-chain issues continue to disrupt operations, global inflation continues to soar and a war in Eastern Europe is far from being resolved. These volatile and complex disruptions have arguably rendered many business plans obsolete. That’s not unusual, as Mike Tyson apparently once said “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Where does that leave organizations with respect to producing the results they promised at the turn of the year? Accomplishing corporate goals in the next two quarters will be a matter of action and execution. In Insigniam’s methodology this looks like the following:

  1. Handling obstacles with speed and efficiency
  2. Having regular conversations for accountability
  3. Clear communication for reliability and understanding
  4. Keeping the big picture and vision vibrantly alive throughout
  5. Maintaining quality relationships

When these five points are executed well, business teams are almost unstoppable. Doing each of these well involves giving teams a shared language for performance which leads to a common understanding. It also requires a large amount of trust – and pitfalls exist in every moment to demolish that trust in an instant. Another key ingredient is solid leadership to pave the way, set the tone, and hold the space for all of it.

None of this, of course, is easy to do and requires a day-by-day and moment-by-moment commitment to performance. Perfection is impossible; however, it is possible to function independently as part of a team to operate at an extremely high level and do so on a consistent basis. Whatever your end-of-year goals we wish you success and a powerful journey through 2022 on your way to meeting them.

  • [cbxwpbookmarkbtn https%3A%2F%2Finsigniam.com%2F5-ways-to-keep-your-2022-corporate-goals-on-track%2F]
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