In our previous discussion, we talked about how to reveal and address the background conversations that prohibit an undeniable commitment to goals and project timelines — the first essential step in accelerating new drug development and healthcare innovation via our breakthrough project methodology.

Once we reveal and overcome the “can’t do” mindset by unhooking existing barriers, we work on getting every person on the team to realize that this is their project to lead. This means bold leadership is required from every individual — regardless of role or responsibility — involved with the project.

Be Brave. Be Bright. Be Bold.

Inspirational leaders not only breathe life into everything — and everyone — they interface with, but they are unequivocally needed in order to drive teams toward intended results during the drug development and testing process. A few typical behavioral patterns include:

  • Taking a bold stance for the goal
  • Being decisive in a rapid timeframe
  • Not waiting for decisions, but causing actions to happen
  • Wholly committed to advancing the timeline forward

(Bold) Leaders Are Made, Not Born

What happens when your role requires you to be bold, but that behavior does not come naturally? The good news is that while anyone can transform, the requisite of bold leadership is not yours to carry alone.

It’s our method to engage all levels of leadership to support senior tier leaders to meet the goals and milestones laid out in the NDA. Bolstering the leadership bench is a key component to supporting a senior leader’s ability to be bold, and we often ask junior leaders whom they need to be to reach the intended goal on time.

By creating tiered leadership teams — from submission teams, delivery teams, and executive teams who are ultimately accountable for the end game — everyone on the project is engaged and empowered. Moreover, when everyone works inside the distinctions of breakthrough, they ensure that interdependent needs are promptly taken care of, which is often how transformation works in practice.

With all levels of bold leadership committed to the overarching vision, tactical goals must be managed with the same care and finesse. This is why robust project management is crucial — and it is the topic of our next discussion.

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