Would you be brave enough to let your executive management team make decisions on your behalf? Because enterprise transformation was at stake, one bold leader created a 40-headed CEO.

Enterprise transformation is just talking if there’s no implementation. The vision can inspire for a time. Then workbooks, slips of paper with promises made, or letters that participants write to themselves fall to the back of file drawers. Lessons learned fade before actual results can be achieved. But breakthrough performance doesn’t let that happen.

Once our auto-parts client committed to dramatic enterprise-wide changes, they invented new ways and new possibilities for moving with agility and competitive speed. The previous CEO led the organization in such a way that middle management waited for his move. That mentality stuck even though the leadership had changed.

Faster implementation

Out of this transformation process, a ‘40-headed CEO’ was created so that decisions could be made and implemented swiftly by the senior management team rather than slowing down momentum. The CEO even had business cards printed for the newly minted ‘CEOs.’

What happens when executives are empowered with this level of accountability? Over time, the company’s niche was redefined, allowing it to retain its competitive edge. Smarter supply chain decisions were implemented. Costs were contained. Earnings per share rose significantly.

When enterprise transformation is successfully implemented, results happen. Fast. But are you willing to delegate to your own ’40-headed CEO?’

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