Innovation That Creates Dramatic Growth

Traversing all strategic horizons and from ideation to monetization-deliver dramatic innovation results consistently and overtime.


Innovation is defined as anything novel that creates new value for the customer.

It takes many forms, including a new product or service developed and brought to market, an initiative that moves the enterprise into an untapped market, serving new customers and generating new streams of revenue or even a redesign of internal processes to remove waste, save time and money and increase productivity.

Yet, despite the best efforts, invisible and potent forces often arrest attempts to create new value, blinders inhibit the ability to discern new opportunities, and tradition trumps creativity.

All of this hampers an organization’s effectiveness in driving innovation results. Often, while innovation is an imperative, the organization is unprepared to deliver the needed growth and must always disengage the forces that thwart innovation results.

We Promise…

Your enterprise will generate and execute on the necessary level of innovation to produce and sustain dramatic new levels of revenue, profits and growth.

Essential Elements for Sustained Innovation

Unhook the invisible force preventing employees from venturing too far beyond the company’s current business model or way of operating. Too often, great innovative ideas end up as reports gathering dust on bookshelves. This force emerges from the conflicting interests of the myriad stakeholders in any large company, creating the gravitational pull that stops innovation from taking flight.
Reset the condition where the urgency of today’s business supersedes the importance of future business. The latest research about the human brain shows that perceptions are shaped by past experiences. Indeed, there are times when people’s experiences blind them from seeing what is right in front of them. Organizations, like the people that build, run and work in them, wear invisible “blinders” that limit the view of emerging opportunities and a possible future. A well-known example is the critical error made by railroad executives who defined their trains as being in the “railroad business” rather than the “transportation business.” The executives lost their monopoly on long distance travel because they did not seek new transportation innovations.
Identify and reinvent internal corporate systems, practices and procedures that protect the business model from the (perceived to be damaging) effects of change. Like the antibodies in the human immune system, these elements work quickly to neutralize and eliminate the impact of any attempts at innovation. In the way companies operate, hundreds of people can say, “no,” despite someone’s having already said, “yes.” Bureaucracy, decision processes, turf, and hierarchy kill the innate creativity that results from the talent, wisdom, knowledge and resources present in the best companies.

Success Story

“I learned that innovation is a journey. We now have an established and functioning I-Team [Innovation team] at my property that we did not have when we started.” –Srini Venkatesh, Senior Vice President, R&D, Medical Device Company

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