
An Insigniam partner and long-time Scouting veteran now has something in common with 13 U.S. presidents, Hank Aaron, Neil Armstrong, Walt Disney, Charles Lindbergh, Colin Powell, and Insigniam co-founder, Nathan Owen Rosenberg.

Scott Beckett, Ph.D. will be receiving the Silver Buffalo Award, Scouting’s highest commendation for service to youth, at the National Annual Meeting of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) in late May. Scott Beckett is a partner at the organizational-transformation consulting firm, Insigniam. For more than 11 years, Beckett has utilized his experience in organizational transformation, leadership, and strategic planning to help guide the BSA into its second century of service.

The Silver Buffalo has been awarded annually since 1925 to civic-minded men and women for their invaluable contributions and service to youth. Beckett is one of 14 Silver Buffalo recipients this year, including Tuskegee Airman Charles McGee.

“It is truly humbling to be considered and selected for the Silver Buffalo,” Beckett remarked. “Nearly everything I hold dear in life has been the result of being a product of Scouting. The Scout Oath and Law have been what I have tried to organize my life around. Serving Scouting has not been a sacrifice; it has been a privilege.”

An Eagle Scout, Beckett has been an avid supporter and volunteer since his college years. While in graduate school, he helped create a ground-breaking trail building program at the Philmont Scout Ranch. Beckett currently serves on the national executive board of the BSA, as well as the Northern Star Council (Minneapolis-St. Paul). He served as the Program Director of the 2019 World Scout Jamboree, and the Vice Chairman of Program for both the 2013 and 2017 National BSA Jamborees. Beckett was awarded Scouting’s Silver Beaver award in 2011 and the Silver Antelope in 2015.

Over the past 22 years, Beckett has personally coached and trained thousands of business leaders as a partner at Insigniam. Insigniam was founded over 30 years ago to pioneer the field of organizational transformation and catalyze breakthrough results with some of the world’s largest corporations.  Since its founding in 1985, the firm has served nearly 25% of the world’s largest companies and worked with those clients to generate unprecedented results–clients documenting over $7 billion of return. Out of a commitment to social responsibility, in 2009, Insigniam formally committed to donating a large amount of pro-bono work to the BSA.