The CIO of a global retail apparel company had an imperative for innovation management. He saw improving IT processes as a lever to elevate the business’ performance and meet budget pressures.

He hired Insigniam’s management consultants to engage 100 of his people in an off-site breakthrough performance campaign. During the three off-site sessions, the leadership consultants worked to enhance employee engagement around producing unprecedented results. The participants formed three teams each tasked with the imperative to formulate a project that would make a significant and unpredicted elevation in the enterprise’s performance.

The three teams worked in parallel, each with team executive champions to deliver on their Breakthrough Projects. They also received on-going business coaching from Insigniam management consultants to ensure the projects were on track.

Over a period of eight months, two out of the three teams delivered on their promised results. These results were a direct product of the Breakthrough Projects and would not have happened with ‘business as usual’ performance. The results included an ERP upgrade that was completed in record time with virtually no problems at the cut over.

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