Corporate Behaviors

France’s Approach to the Four-Day Workweek: Innovative or Exclusionary?
As many global enterprises mull how to extract the maximum amount of productivity from their employees’ waking hours—whether in virtual or physical office settings—France is…

How Accountability in Business Helps to Drive Growth
It is not a soft skill. Accountability delivers cold, hard results.

Employers Invest in Mental Health Benefits Now More Than Ever
Turbulent times inspire investments in employee mental health benefits.

Gaining A Competitive Edge With Language
It’s late at night and my search and rescue team has just jumped out the back of a C-130 10,000 feet over the North Sea.…

Ways to End Healthcare Disparities
Healthcare inequity between different ethnic and income groups, between wealthier and poorer communities, and between urban and rural areas produces wide variations in available care…

What Is A Commitment-Centered Organization?
What gives rise to our behavior…the actions we engage in day in and day out? It’s easy to say that people in an organization act to…

New Vice Presidents Lead More Effectively and Drive Organizational Change
The CEO of a financial services firm wanted to increase the effectiveness of new vice presidents, particularly by having them increase their visibility and contributions…

Overcoming Team Dysfunctions to Form a High Performing Organization
A clinical development team in a large pharmaceutical company required a different approach to drug development for its new therapy product. The organization was experiencing…

Overcoming A Poor Track Record
A pharmaceutical company was struggling with a track record of every clinical trial being consistently behind schedule. The team was filled with dysfunction, finger-pointing, and…

Does Your Personal Brand Match Your Commitments?
Will Rogers is often attributed the well-known quote: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” While this statement is irrefutable, we…

Meetings: Breakthrough Or Business As Usual?
Do you find your days filled with meetings, with no time to do the critical thinking required to deliver the results you are accountable for?…

Does It Have To Be Management vs. Labor?
France is well known for its most visible strike recurrence, less for its extensive Labor Laws, which defines in many details the framework of the…