Implementing Change
Five Tips For Being The Messenger In A Layoff
One of my colleagues was one of those cold-hearted corporate executives who, at one time in his career, had to lay-off several thousand people in…
Innovation Isn’t The Problem. Execution Is.
Innovation isn’t easy. Not in the least. But it’s not usually the innovative idea that companies have a problem with. It’s the execution. There are plenty of…
Making Results Happen Even During Mergers And Acquisitions
Just be honest. That’s a simple rule but one that leaders all too often fail to live by, especially during mergers and acquisitions—and most of…
Leading an Enterprise Transformation: Part II — It Gets Messy
In the first part of this series, we established that having guts—based on a clear understanding of what you’re getting into—as well as the ability to…
Simplification…. It’s Complicated!
Do you have a “simplification” objective this year? Or does your company have “Simplification” as a strategic axis for the next three years? How many of…
Breakthrough Performance Poised To Conquer Pluto
On December 6, a piano-sized space probe was awoken from a nine-year slumber during which it traveled some 3 billion miles. Dubbed New Horizons, the probe has entered…
Compact Breakthrough From Skunk Works
When it was announced late last year, it was billed as a breakthrough that could transform civilization as we know it. It measures just 7…
But I Told Them…
While interviewing a number of employees in a critical department at a client’s office, a pattern started to emerge in their conversations: Change. The company…
Fear Factor: What Keeps Organizations Stuck In “Business As Usual”?
I recently sat across from a senior executive at a well-known, global company and he told me, “We are not interested in breakthroughs–we are happy…
How To Listen Newly in 2021
The world got turned upside down in 2020. The way we work, the way our children are schooled, the way we play. The things we…
Beyond Sustainability: A Paradigm Shift Is Overdue
Reimagine how to conduct business to support the environment and the longevity of our planet.
Gathering employee input could save your change initiative
Three ways to get the employee input your business needs.