Project Prioritization

Achieving Success By Focusing On A Single Result
A good coach doesn’t spend a time-out reminding players of everything they need to perform well. Instead, good coaches focus on the one or two…

The Ticker: Rapid Response – A Vaccine Rollout Success Story
Here's how the FDA's Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) authority paved the way for the COVID-19 vaccines.

Meeting Too Much And Accomplishing Little
Too many people dread meetings. They complain there are too many of them. They accomplish too little. The right people don’t attend. And so on.…

The Ticker: Should Your Company Start a Podcast?
From Gucci to ZipRecruiter, lots of companies are producing their own branded podcasts. But doing so does not always make strategic sense.

Execution Makes or Breaks Product Launch Strategies
Sanofi’s Pascale Witz is putting patients at the center of its new-product rollout.