What happens when everyone can work from home? Working remotely, already on the rise before the COVID-19 crisis, became a mandate for swaths of workers across the globe in March. New research suggests workers and employers alike expect remote work to be more of a mainstay once the pandemic ends.

A Gartner survey in April found employees have rising expectations for being able to work remotely post-pandemic. Thirty percent of those surveyed said they worked remotely at least part of the time before the pandemic, but 41% anticipate working from home some of the time going forward.

Employees have rising expectations for being able to work remotely post-pandemic.

Source: Gartner

A separate Gartner survey of CFOs and other business finance leaders this spring found that nearly three-quarters (74%) expected a small share of employees to work from home permanently after the pandemic ends. About 1 in 4 respondents expected 10% of employees to continue permanently working from home.

An increasingly remote reality is registering for at least some employers:
ZipRecruiter labor economist Julia Pollak told The Atlantic that before mid-March, 1.3% of job postings on the site mentioned the
opportunity to work remotely. Since then, 11.3% have.

This article appeared in the Summer 2020 issue of IQ Insigniam Quarterly, with the headline “Remote Control.” To begin receiving IQ, go here.”

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