
The number of results for “innovation” in Google

More than 59k

The number of innovation- themed publications listed by Amazon

$550 billion

The amount companies spent on R&D in 2010, a 9.3 percent increase over 2009 when companies scaled back because of recession concerns
— Businessinsider.com


$63 billion
The number of dollars generated by new, immigrant-founded companies in 2012
The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

The percentage of CIOs who say they’re operating at close to their innovation potential
— CIO Insight

Only 8.5% of executives globally feel “very well prepared” to successfully execute innovation.
— 2013 Insigniam Executive Sentiment Survey

The percentage increase of the average compensation per employee in innovation-intensive sectors between 1990 and 2007 – nearly two and one-half times the national average
— U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic and Statistics Administration

The percentage of employees who say they trust a company more when members of the C-suite use social media
— Emarketer

“My job is to guide Salesforce. I can’t sit in headquarters, but it’s easy to get caught up in the continuum and pretend I’m in touch. Odds are, what we’re using today will be obsolete in a few years. The past is never the future.”
— Marc Benioff, Salesforce.com, from Forbes.com

The number of U.S. jobs new firms created in 2007. Overall, 12 million jobs were added that year.
— The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation


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