A chief executive at a venture capital based technology company saw a need to elevate leadership within the company to meet their business imperatives.

A team of senior leaders hired Insigniam to provide a High Performance Leadership program to 17 key leaders. The program began with a 2½ day Intensive focusing on breakthrough thinking and breakthrough leadership skills. At the end of the intensive, each participant formulated a project that would deliver at least five times ROI on the program fees. Four additional 2½-day intensive sessions were conducted over 10 months. The participants received coaching from Insigniam consultants over a period of several months to ensure they completed their project successfully despite any road bumps or barriers along the way.

By the end of 10 months working with Insigniam, each of these leaders delivered on their project, providing five times ROI. In the final evaluation, all of the participants rated the program “equal to or better than any leadership program” they had received before. By the end of the year, the ROI was measured at 7.2. The company sold two months later for 39% more than the valuation at the start of the engagement with Insigniam.

  • [cbxwpbookmarkbtn https%3A%2F%2Finsigniam.com%2F7-2-times-roi-and-100-satisfaction-with-high-performance-leadership-program%2F]
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