
Apple’s Retail Model: Its Most Innovative Product?
Apple’s reputation as an innovator is tied to transformational products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad that create value. But, with Q3 earnings at $7.7 billion…

Avoid Falling Victim To The Pitfalls Of Ineffective Teams
It is said that no man is an island, and in the case of top-performing companies, no singular employee overshadows the power and effectiveness of…

The Elusive “Corporate Culture Conundrum”
More and more, executives are focusing their energy (as well as their resources) on corporate culture. While the reasons for their interest are clear –…

Addressing “Facts” As Your Organization Sees Them
There’s a great scene in the original Men in Black movie that occurs shortly after Will Smith’s character discovers aliens really do exist. Tommy Lee Jones’ Agent…

Innovating While Staying Compliant
Regulations tend to put a stranglehold on innovating, setting up roadblocks that require more work, more capital investment, and more time. However, innovation leadership entails…

The Case For Accountability
I am always intrigued by examining two competing companies – same industry, similar in size, essentially operating within the same business model – that produce…

Fear Factor: What Keeps Organizations Stuck In “Business As Usual”?
I recently sat across from a senior executive at a well-known, global company and he told me, “We are not interested in breakthroughs–we are happy…

What a Recession Taught Enterprises About Complacency
It’s easy to fall into business-as-usual mode when the economy is strong. Pursue the low-hanging fruit and the path to least resistance, and something good will…

Global Leadership: Part IV—Practices For Operating
In our previous posts, we declared that forging a shared purpose and identity across multinational teams, paired with clarity of communication — via multilingualism — and accountability via authenticity are…

Global Leadership: Part II—Clarity Of Mission
In the first part of this blog series, we established that global leaders are citizens of the world—this not beholden to the identity of the…

It’s Not All In The Medicine: The Human Factor Of Drug Development
In the pharmaceutical industry, the odds of successfully bringing a drug compound from discovery, through all phases of development, to submission and ultimately approval are…

Avoiding The Landmines Of Process Redesign
“Be ready to handle twice as much throughput and activity in the next 3 years with roughly the same number of people.” That was the mandate…