
Transforming HR’s Approach to Talent
There is pressure amid HR, pressure on many fronts that one can only hope will subside soon. In addition to the volatile events over the…

Leading Your Organization Through Inflationary Times
Inflation rates have surged globally. You might have noticed the numbers on your gas pump looking like they are never going to stop. Inflation had…

Lead Boldly in the Face of Adversity by Focusing on the Facts
We are already seeing a direct impact on the world of business due to the current events in Eastern Europe. As a business leader, are…

Your Culture Is A Pre-Requisite For Innovation
Organizations know that innovation relies on bringing people together with different perspectives. The million-dollar question then becomes, how do you bring people together to do…

Is Resilience A Function Of Relationships And Gratitude?
Transitioning from one year to the next has always been a time for reflection and resilience. As 2021 closed, many of us were tempted to…

Will Business Really Return To “Normal”?
Each crisis gives birth to new paradigms and accelerates novel ways of dealing with business. These paradigms have always existed, but they were not necessarily…

Leading with Purpose: What are You Doing for Others?
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” ~ Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.~ I love this quote by…

Shifting Perspective Through The Power Of Enrollment
What Is Going On Out There? I can’t go on any form of social media without seeing a post about new software. The implementation of…

Looking To Move Forward? Start With Taking A Step Back.
The soccer world is filled with extra excitement as the top two goal scorers in the world have recently made monumental switches to new teams.…

How Can You Cultivate Relationships In A Virtual Environment?
70 percent of talent professionals surveyed by LinkedIn at the end of 2020 say that virtual hiring will become the new standard. This is due…

Creating Intentions As A Tool For Avoiding Complacency
Creating Intentions Have you ever found yourself surprised and frustrated by how a meeting, call, or conversation went? You may have thought what there was…