Big Challenges
CEOs are feeling good about today’s business environment. But that does not mean they do not see challenges on the horizon.

By the Numbers: Cautiously Optimistic
CEOs are feeling good about today’s business environment. But that does not mean they do not see challenges on the horizon.

SAP Ariba’s Push for Transparency
Barry Padgett, president of the global procurement platform, wants to retool supply chain management for the blockchain era.

Estonia’s Relentless Digital Drive
Its government transformation is world-renowned. But CIO Siim Sikkut sees plenty of more work to be done.

The Ticker: STEM’s Equality Paradox
A new study finds that less developed countries are more likely to produce female STEM graduates.

Executives Take a Stand
Executives cannot ignore the big social issues of our time. They must take action to engage with employees and customers, says former Catalyst CEO Deborah…

How to (Finally) Close the Gender Pay Gap
Jewelle Bickford of Paradigm for Parity believes companies can close their gender pay gap by taking five specific steps.

Give Executives a Break
C-suite leaders get a bad rap. Yet very few people see the angst they might go through.

What Makes a Powerful Leader?
In today’s business environment, high-performance leaders rewrite the rules of the game and inspire others into bold action.

Where Are the Female Directors?
Women are still lacking representation in the boardroom because too many organizations are stuck in the past with token gestures and outmoded recruiting practices.

The War for Talent
To combat the looming talent crisis, companies must pull out all the stops to bring in the best talent.

Cognivue’s Bold Steps Forward
When Tom O’Neill became CEO of the medical testing company, he did not wait to rally his team around breakthrough goals.

IBM’s Chief Data Officer Is Building a Cognitive Enterprise
IBM Chief Data Officer Inderpal Bhandari is focused on data privacy as he looks to build a “cognitive enterprise.”