Will Rogers is often attributed the well-known quote: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”

While this statement is irrefutable, we have numerous opportunities to shape the way we are perceived by those around us and create our “personal brand”; however we may not look at ourselves as a “brand”, with characteristics, features, and benefits.

For some of us, that may even be perceived as a somewhat mercantile approach to ourselves and others, “am I really here to sell myself?”. We only engage in this topic when pushed by the circumstances, such as the will or need to find a new job, and then direct all our efforts to our social media presence and visibility.

Most often, we are unaware that our interactions with others continuously create a conversation about who we are and what is important to us, and shape our “personal brand”. Said another way, how we are perceived as colleagues, partners, friends.

Consider Your Brand

If we say that our personal brand is what we want to be known for, the first step is backwards and to ask ourselves the following questions:

  • What is the unique contribution I provide to those around me?
  • What is the impact I want to have around me?
  • What am I committed to?
  • Are my actions a match for the commitments in my life?
  • How does that translate into practices and behaviors in every aspect of my life?
  • What is the experience I want to leave people with, out of our interactions?
  • When do I forget to clarify for myself and others my commitments and intention in an interaction?
  • Where do I let myself disregard my commitments?

When we bring clarity and awareness to how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us and line up our practices and actions to the difference we are committed to making, we find power and joy!

  • [cbxwpbookmarkbtn https%3A%2F%2Finsigniam.com%2Fdoes-your-personal-brand-match-your-commitments%2F]
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