Organizational and enterprise-wide transformation can’t happen without enrollment. Enrollment is when people sign up for something because it’s an expression of their commitment. It’s created by an intentional campaign to effectively communicate the strategy and new culture, and influence change throughout the enterprise.

People are the biggest part of a successful transformation. However, enrollment of any kind is a disruption that must occur to achieve breakthrough results. How do you convince people to do something that is a priority for your organization? Help them understand how it matches something to which they are committed. They’re less likely to resist change if they can clearly see that alignment. They need to see that the change benefits them.

I helped organize an enrollment team for a hospital system, whose goal is to be in the top 10% of health care systems in the country. They realized this wasn’t going to happen without getting a significant number of their associates behind that commitment.

The team’s job was to design a powerful communication campaign that both inspires and empowers the people who work in the system to take on new ways of working.

The enrollment process

Part of the enrollment process is to reveal the limiting conversations that get in the way of the enterprise’s goal. We want to uncover an embedded set of beliefs or unwritten rules that determine what people see as possible and the results they produce.

Next, we attempt to leave behind prevailing mindsets that stand in the way of new thinking or actions. After that, we invent a new framework that introduces breakthrough tools to stimulate new conversations about commitment and future outcomes.

Finally we implement, execute, and deliver the intended measurable results through rapid work redesign, leadership development, innovation, and people engagement.

Within a two-year period, the hospital system began to transform its culture. Employee satisfaction soared and patient satisfaction at one of its hospitals catapulted from the bottom to the top percentile. The hospital system is well on its way to achieving its 10% goal.

Let me know your thoughts; you can also connect with me and other executives through the Insigniam Executive Forum on LinkedIn.

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