Creative Innovation

Did You Say the Magic Words?
By using catalytic questions, leaders can use AI to enhance innovation and creativity—if they can stomach pushing themselves out of their comfort zones.

Brands Pull Back from Hopping on NFT Trend
Brands are trying to harness the NFT trend … what could go wrong?

Game Changing Innovation
In his book Where Good Ideas Come From, Stephen Berlin Johnson gives fascinating examples of innovations that came from someone connecting multiple ideas and inventions from…

Design Thinking: Prototyping Perfection
In our previous discussion, it was revealed that, yes; you too are a designer — regardless of your job title or function. That said, one of…

Design Thinking: Creating Results
Previously, we established that those of us who seek to solve problems by creating impactful solutions, regardless of job title or function is, intrinsically, designers. We…

Design Thinking: Everyone Is A Designer
Before exploring the hallmarks of design thinking, let’s first consider this: Who is a designer? Typically — early in the process of innovation consulting — when I…

Innovating While Staying Compliant
Regulations tend to put a stranglehold on innovating, setting up roadblocks that require more work, more capital investment, and more time. However, innovation leadership entails…

The Ticker: Digitized Wonders of the World
New technologies are documenting threatened World Heritage sites—and re-creating those already lost.