Growth Mindset

How To Keep the Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive
From startups to big corporations, heads of companies are committed to growth, and at the same time, they are worried about losing the entrepreneurial spirit…

Stabilizing the World’s Supply Chain
If it were up to me, Time’s 2020 Person(s) of the Year should be the frontline healthcare workers who braved the challenge and faced Covid-19…

Barriers Are Fuel For Innovation
The pressure to deliver blockbuster drugs is immense in the pharmaceutical industry. Blockbuster drugs take years to develop, and it’s easy for innovators to focus…

A Transformation In Doing Nothing
It all started with Tulips in 1593. At least, that’s the first time history recorded a herd mentality event followed by a crash. Tulips were so…

Why Business As Usual Is Dangerous
f you’re looking for mediocre results, we have a formula for you. We define an enterprise breakthrough as an unprecedented outcome that gives rise to new…

I Got Laid Off, Now What?
Layoffs suck… that’s the end of that story. Obviously, it stinks for the people losing their jobs. It stinks for those left behind who get…

Are You Committed To Change? Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Stated Intentions
You’ve heard it many times before: “Actions speak louder than words.” But where innovation is concerned, that can’t be said enough—especially to leaders. Recently we…

When a Crisis Helps Us Shake Off Our Old Beliefs and Certainties
The outcome of each economic crisis leaves some of us stronger, and some of us weaker. You could easily attribute your good or bad luck…

Taking a Stand to Live Powerfully Through This Time of Rapid Change
In this period of fast-moving changes in what we have taken for granted in our lives, it may be easy to fall into a sentiment…

Innovating While Staying Compliant
Regulations tend to put a stranglehold on innovating, setting up roadblocks that require more work, more capital investment, and more time. However, innovation leadership entails…

How Nintendo Disrupted Its Business Model
True business model disruption is about considering: How can we provide a new kind of value to our established customers, or how can we use…

By the Numbers: New Sectors Are Remaking Old Markets
Large established companies are watching closely—and many are jumping into hot new industries to stave off disruption.