Leadership and Accountability

The Results You Are Looking For Begin With Your Practices
My life certainly is not perfect, but I love the life that my practices and practicing give me. From swimming three days a week to sending hand-written…

The Pros and Cons of Stakeholder Capitalism
Pick a side and prepare to be conflicted.

There Isn’t Anyone With Whom Who You Can’t Be Straight.
A project team I once coached was commissioned to deliver a quick win for its organization. Executive sponsors and the team came together to celebrate…

Winning $3B in Contracts by Recovering Poor Customer Relationship
An automotive manufacturing company needed to improve their relationship with a key customer and shareholder. The company was at risk of losing contracts with this…

Conversations Allow (Or Disallow) For Success
What conversations are happening within your enterprise, about your enterprise? Chances are good their content are either enabling or unhinging your success. Most people when…

Mistakes and Accountability
Nobody’s perfect. Even when you’re a leader. Even when you’re the boss. Authenticity in leadership is absolutely essential. Mistakes happen; how you handle them may define your leadership.…

Innovation Collaboration: Play Like A Team
They were the Super Bowl underdogs. No one expected them to win that year. At the start of the big game, the team refused to do…

How Do You Embed Breakthrough Performance? Stop Agreeing Start Aligning
In this kickoff to our 12-part series on the qualities of high-performing teams, we examine how a team’s search for ‘agreement’ derails breakthrough performance. Wasted…

Culture Change: A Two-Step Process
The problem with culture change Why has culture change been so hard to master thus far? Everybody has heard the phrase, “culture beats strategy.” It…

Major Airline Saves Millions of Dollars
A major airline significantly changed the job description for the Country Manager from dealing with day-to-day operations issues, to becoming an ambassador for the company…

Hold People Accountable. They’ll Love You For It.
The common vision for disruptive leadership often includes a leader with charisma, vision, and passion for their work. Those characteristics are sometimes present in people…

Building Alignment and Elevating Personal Responsibility
A large pharmaceutical company needed to bring together a new team within a key business unit. This team was tasked with developing a diverse collection…