Hot Topics

Gen Alpha is Ready to Disrupt
They're about to inherit $84T and are itching to spend. The bad news, says Maria Vallis, CEO of Hypothesis Group, is that they couldn't care…

AI Accountability Is Coming For Your Boardroom
A tsunami of legislation could soon change how your board applies oversight to AI activities—and you could be held personally accountable if trouble arises.

Welcome to the Generative World Order
AI isn’t just a tool to improve operational efficiencies and spur innovation—it could very well shake up global power dynamics like never before. How prepared…

AI Anxiety: Will Tech-Savvy Gen Z’ers Pluck Jobs from Millenials?
In the bustling landscape of modern business, where digital disruption is the new norm and the tides of innovation wait for no one, more and…

The Next Cold War: China vs. Your Bottom-Line
Axios reporter and Beijing Rules author, Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, on how China is leveraging capitalism to undermine free markets—and your enterprise.

Did You Say the Magic Words?
By using catalytic questions, leaders can use AI to enhance innovation and creativity—if they can stomach pushing themselves out of their comfort zones.

ChatGPT = Genuine People Typing?
A new report says everyone’s favorite AI chatbot runs on low-paid human workers labeling data. So, we went to the source.

My ChatGPT Session from Hell
While AI language models like ChatGPT have made significant advancements, it is crucial to critically evaluate all information for factual accuracy.

The Price of Fame: When A Celebrity Spokesperson Turns Toxic
Despite the risks, brands will continue to seek a celebrity spokesperson. If the partnership sours, what is the right time to cut—and how?

Navigating Economic Volatility, the Energy Crisis, and Geopolitical Risk
A conversation with Tina Fordham, founder and geopolitical advisor, Fordham Global Foresight.

AI In Business: Reaching Unimaginable Potentials
For business leaders who crack the code, the results can be breathtaking.

Digital Advertising Trends: The ‘Perfect Storm’ Ahead
Here is an overview of the storm facing digital advertising.