Strategy Execution

Building a Breakthrough Strategy for Monitoring Organization
The head of clinical operations at a pharmaceutical company wanted to bring breakthrough thinking to the global monitoring organization. Insigniam’s healthcare consultants worked with the…

Meeting an Aggressive Growth Strategy
A new business development group within a large chemical company needed to increase the number of molecule products in the pipeline and create new applications…

The Secret to Delivering Your Goals Amidst Uncertainty: Take Action Every Day
Recently I was listening to an interview with a college football player; he had led his team to a big win over a long-standing rival.…

Strategic Innovation: Where Breakthrough Thinking Generates Breakthrough Innovation
Breakthrough thinking comes with challenging your frame of reference, re-examining your assumptions, what you call the “truth”, inspecting habits, and breaking through the “it-cannot-be-done” or…

Strategic Frontiers: Part I – Charting the Horizons
For those of you who are not familiar with the name Dick Fosbury, you may recognize the maneuver—a la strategy innovation—that made him famous: the Fosbury Flop.…

Addressing “Facts” As Your Organization Sees Them
There’s a great scene in the original Men in Black movie that occurs shortly after Will Smith’s character discovers aliens really do exist. Tommy Lee Jones’ Agent…

Beyond Sustainability: A Paradigm Shift Is Overdue
Reimagine how to conduct business to support the environment and the longevity of our planet.

Ring Leader
Meet the CEO whose company shifted to selling diamond jewelry online during the pandemic while still providing the all-important human connection.

The Five Stages of Building Alignment
Prior to (and during) strategy execution, building alignment is crucial to the realization of your strategy. Given how often alignment breaks down, what it really…

Strategy Execution As The Art Of Influencing Chaos
The approach often seems as difficult as herding a room full of cats. But it doesn’t have to be.

The Ticker: Financing Fossil Fuels
The oil and gas industry is experiencing a reckoning, and some companies are committing to cleaner-energy practices.

How Executives Create a Winning Future
It is tempting to extrapolate the future through hindsight. But scripting the future—not predicting it—is a key competitive advantage.