Business Innovation

In the Shadow of COVID
Pharmaceutical companies have adjusted to the COVID-19 pandemic by reinventing themselves and becoming more flexible, adaptable and innovative.

The Ticker: Remote Control
What happens when everyone can work from home? Working remotely, already on the rise before the COVID-19 crisis, became a mandate for swaths of workers…

The Ticker: Sea Change
Will increased domestic production of certain essential supplies become a mainstay for some companies after the pandemic subsides?

Navigating a VUCA Business World
For any business, being reluctant to recalibrate as new information comes in can be devastatingly costly as competitors and customers turn to new partners that…

In Germany, a Law to Give Employees a Voice (and a Vote)
Germany requires big companies to have employees on their boards. Should other countries follow suit?

How Eli Lilly Pivoted During COVID-19
Eli Lilly’s Dan Skovronsky on how one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies is answering the COVID-19 crisis with real-time innovation.

Ram Charan: Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
It’s no secret that the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is fundamentally reshaping political, social and economic orders. We caught up with leadership guru Ram Charan…

Revisiting Business Roundtable’s Powerful Pledge
In August 2019, 181 CEOs signed on to Business Roundtable’s powerful pledge: to lead their companies for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Heat Map: Let’s Take This Offline
While the so-called retail apocalypse continues to make headlines, reality is more complicated than some doom-and-gloom observers would allow.

Four Pillars of Innovation: Part II – The Indestructible Infrastructure
In our previous discussion, we considered the question, “How can you create and sustain growth through innovation when you need to balance the needs of…

Commercial Space Is Becoming Big Business
Innovations are fueling the commercial space services industry. But with big money on the line, no one knows who will win.

The Critical Factors That Enable Innovation
It is not about catching lightning in a bottle. Any company with innovation in its DNA must have these four pillars of innovation.