Successful Change
Successful change is complex, not complicated.

Archimedes’ Principle – Of Learning
“You can’t know what you don’t know. You can’t know about things you have yet to discover.” – Jonathan Raymond. Catalyzing people involves the ability…

If Your Employees Could Return to Work Tomorrow, Are You Prepared to Let Them in the Building?
At some point in the very near future, whether in two weeks or two months, companies are going to have to manage building access very…

The New Work-Life Balance: Working from Home With Children
Since the onset of COVID-19 around the world, people are finding that working from home is a required new norm. This has been eye-opening, to…

Being Present and Productive In the Age of COVID-19
During my umpteenth Zoom call of the day, one of my colleagues asked, “So, when do you think we’ll all be allowed to travel for…

A Sustainable Transformation Strategy For the Future
According to Investopedia, sustainability is defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” The concept…

President Biden’s First 100 Days
The Immediate Challenges Facing the New Administration

How General Electric Takes a Punch
At the Fortune Global CEO Forum in October 2020, H. Lawrence “Larry” Culp, Jr., the Chairman, and CEO of General Electric shared about how GE…

How Target Hit the Bullseye During the Pandemic
In the midst of Covid-19’s impact on the world, several senseless incidents of police brutality and social injustice marred the world. In May of 2020,…

Our Work Now: Lessons from the Homeschooling Front
My child is schooling at home this year. Many of us are dealing with this and the multitude of compromises that this means for my…

Underestimated Factors for M&A Success
With so much on the line, why is the success rate of mergers and acquisitions so low? Recent studies by Harvard Business Review and KPMG both indicate that between 70 and…

Managing Successful Change: Engaging Constituencies
The final critical success factor we must address is how to manage and engage the network of constituencies touched by the change you aim to…

Managing Successful Change: Breakthrough Thinking
When everyone is enrolled in managing change, a breakthrough in thinking is achieved—and it is essential that your change initiative be organized around breakthrough thinking…