Business Innovation

What’s in Pete Valenti’s Innovation Arsenal for You?
Want innovations that pay off? Change where you look for them.

What the Board Really Thinks About Innovation
George Martinez, co-founder of Sterling Bank and current CEO of Allegiance Bank, believes innovation is the very heart and soul of private companies.

The Four Pillars of Innovation
There are four pillars for creating enterprise wide innovation. Sustainable innovation isn’t possible without addressing each of the pillars and their potential hot spots.

Innovation By the Numbers
Innovation by the numbers for the Spring issue.

Texas Instruments’ Innovation Mandate
A savvy businessman and engineer, Templeton has spent his entire 32-year career at TI, the past eight as president and CEO. Since taking the helm,…

The Profitable Side of Creativity
Creativity as a shared attribute across leadership teams is a critical missing ingredient.

The Ticker: Mistake or Innovation? You Decide…
Next time you experience an innovation “failure,” ask if there’s a better process or product that could result from the experience.