Business Innovation

How Savvy Executives Push Companies Forward
In a winner-take-most economy, the spoils go to those who never stop innovating.

Eyeing the Horizon: Creating Value Through Innovation
Real GameChangers possess audacity and vision to conquer markets and reorder the competitive landscape.

For Tech Mahindra, Innovation Is the Antidote
Jagdish Mitra, chief strategy officer and head of growth, believes a strong growth strategy will insulate his multinational IT services company from the next recession.

The Ticker: How Australia Has Avoided Recessions for 28 Years
The country has found a formula for steady long-term growth. But how much longer can it last?

The Ticker: Economists Are Not Good at Predicting Recessions
Take what they say with a few grains of salt. And keep an eye on a few key metrics that may signal the next downturn.

Dominion Energy’s Innovation Push
Chief Innovation Officer Mark Webb knows the status quo is not sustainable. So he is building a culture of change at the power utility.

The Ticker: Are Flying Cars Actually Launching Soon?
A global race to launch viable personal flying vehicles is heating up, as companies and governments try to seize first-mover advantage.

The Ticker: Generation Z Is Ready to Fail Fast
A large portion of the generation now entering the workforce sees failure as part of the innovation process.

The Ticker: Blockchain and Big Cargo—Maersk and IBM’s Big Bet
The much-hyped technology begins to bear fruit beyond the realm of cryptocurrency.

The Ticker: Impact Investing Gains Steam
People are investing more money than ever with a socially responsible mindset. Is this a generational shift?

The Ticker: Digitized Wonders of the World
New technologies are documenting threatened World Heritage sites—and re-creating those already lost.

By the Numbers: Cautiously Optimistic
CEOs are feeling good about today’s business environment. But that does not mean they do not see challenges on the horizon.